Start using League Manager now!
  Included with your purchase...
  • Quick instructions to start using League Manager now.
  • One year of service with your league's own unique website and name.
  • 12 golfers prepaid for one year. 12 x $8 = $96

    League Manager can run ANY size league.
    If your league has more than 12 players, most do...
    1. You can add additional golfers to the League Manager at anytime, with no initial cost. Pay for any extra golfers ONLY AFTER the first golf event! This allows your league time to collect dues.
    2. Price is $8 per additional golfer. Golfers can pay themselves, or you can pay for them.
    See more about Pricing...
  • Free mobile Apple and Android app for golfers.
  • Personalized help and coaching. League Manager is easy to use, so most customers never require help...but if you need advice or help, don't hesitate to email or call. League Manager comes with unlimited support.
  • Using the old "Desktop League Manager"?   We can transfer your league into the current system.   See details...
  Letter from the President...

You'll find this is the best league management system out today.

I guarantee it!

Try it, compare it to the competition, I'm positive you'll be delighted. If not, we will refund your purchase. We have a full money back guarantee!

Chuck Fain's signature
Chuck Fain

P.S. Need more information call 1-919-460-7424 or email

  To purchase now...
Website address you want...  
(Your website name will end with “”)
This is where you and your golfers will go to access the league. It is VERY important to pick a name that is short and easy to remember. For example, if your league is the “Tuesday Night Pinehurst Senior Golf League” you may wish to use:   -or- Also your league may use the website for several years, so do NOT include the date/year () of your league in the website address.
Payment information...
Total: $96.00